
Monday, October 25, 2010

.: 2 aWarD dLm sEhari ni :.

huhu...sy gembira hari ni...
hehe...dpt award lg 1 tuk ari ni..
pg td bru je wat post tuk dpt award..huhu
thanx dear...

appreciate this award a lot...
so kne la wat same like org lain yg dpt award ni buat...huhu

I. Thank the person who gave you this award

II. Tag to 15 awesome bloggers (aku wat 6 jela ek..busy la..nk final..ehhe)

- cik wawa
- cik eyeme
- cik ieda
- cik syaheed
- cik jujue
- cik maryam

III. Tell 7 things about yourself
- business admin student kat UIA
- stubborn..creative..(maybe)
- love cats and purple veryy mucchhhh!!
- love my family ..
- love to have fun...
- study whenever i have to study...(result??hehe..)
- i lovee holiday!!!

so..sape2 yg kne tag tu kne la wat jgk ek..
hehe...jgn mlas..haha

1 BuDaK pUrpLE:

Unknown said...

dah tahun brp skrg?
